Enjoying Drug-Free Remedies

Are you looking for a way to help your body heal? Are you uncomfortable pumping medication into your body? Learn about drug-free remedies. Click here.

Enjoying Drug-Free Remedies

Common Statements About Facials That Just Aren’t True

27 May 2021
, Blog

Facials are something that a lot of people like to talk about, but not all of the information that gets tossed around is true. If you want to get the most from your facials, it's helpful to be well informed. So, take a look at these common statements about facials that are based in more myth than fact. #1: Facials Are Just for People With Acne. Facials can be really helpful for people with acne blemishes.
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How To Improve Your Skin By Using A CBD Facial Serum

10 May 2021
 Categories: , Blog

The skincare industry is filled with so many different products that make claims about the results that they bring about. If you are interested in really getting the most from your skin, consider looking into cannabidiol (CBD) oil-based products. There are a number of facial serums you can put to use in order to help you with acne, scarring, and any other issues that are preventing you from getting the best skincare possible.
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Tips for Formulating Health Supplement Products

16 April 2021
 Categories: , Blog

The industry of healthcare supplements is trending upward in value. If your company centers around helping people get the most out of their health and well-being, you will need to put as much thought and diligence as possible into producing dietary supplements. When you consult with professionals that can give you a dietary supplement product formulation consultation, it will be easier for you to handle the manufacturing of your products, so that you get the results that you are looking for.
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Acupuncture for Canine Arthritis

4 March 2021
 Categories: , Blog

Watching your arthritic dog deal with joint pain and struggle to walk comfortably can be really hard. There is no cure for arthritis, and it does tend to get worse with age. However, there is some good news: while not curable, arthritis is manageable. Animal acupuncture is one treatment that is quite helpful for managing canine arthritis pain. Keep reading to learn more. 1. What is acupuncture? Acupuncture is a traditional Eastern medical technique that involves inserting very tiny needles into the skin.
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How To Use CBD Tincture For Anxiety

9 February 2021
 Categories: , Blog

Cannabidiol is a substance that is produced by the hemp plant. Studies have found that CBD can confer numerous health benefits, which can be obtained by ingesting this compound. Some people use CBD by smoking or vaping CBD-rich hemp buds. However, you can also get the benefits of CBD by taking a CBD tincture. CBD tinctures are made using hemp extract. This extract is refined, which increases the amount of CBD present.
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About Me
Enjoying Drug-Free Remedies

When I started battling cancer, I didn't feel comfortable pumping my body full of medications. However, after a thorough talk with my doctor, I decided that it was the best way to go. However, my doctor mentioned that my use of western medicine didn't mean that I couldn't use natural methods to supplement my treatment. I started using ancient practices to soothe my treatment, and it helped a lot. In addition to rounding out my treatment, it also made it possible for me to endure harsh chemotherapy and painful surgeries. I want to teach you more about the power of natural medicine, so read my blog.
