
Are you looking for a way to help your body heal? Are you uncomfortable pumping medication into your body? Learn about drug-free remedies. Click here.


Healthy Ways to Take Care of UTIs That Don’t Involve Antibiotics

16 April 2019
, Blog

If you're someone who is concerned about UTIs and who likes to choose healthy alternatives when it comes to treatments, then this article is designed for you. While prescription treatments such as antibiotics are popular, there are also healthy and natural methods that you can choose. Here are a few of the more popular ones. Ditch the Soft Drinks for Water One of the most important things you can do to help with urinary tract infections is to boost your H2O intake.
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French Lavender: Why It Brings Up So Many Wonderful Thoughts, Imagery, And Feelings

8 March 2019
 Categories: , Blog

Talking woman to woman, if you say things like "French milled soap," or "French lavender," a lot of ladies get that glazed over eye look and say, "Mmmmmmmm." Guys may wonder why, but the ladies know. ​They know that French lavender is a luxury, and that it brings up wonderful thoughts, imagery, and feelings. Here is why this purely purple flower makes so many weak in the knees.  ​It Is One of the Most Soothing Scents in the World
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Vaping CBD Oil: Tips For Beginners

16 January 2019
 Categories: , Blog

If you are looking for a new way to manage your headaches, ease anxiety, or perhaps deal with some ongoing pain, you may want to try vaping CBD oil. CBD oil is great for fighting pain, anxiety, depression, and other symptoms. And vaporizing it delivers it to your bloodstream faster and more efficiently than ingesting it. It may take you a little while to get the hang of vaping CBD, but here are some tips to guide you.
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Are There Any Natural Techniques That Can Help With Fertility Issues?

27 September 2018
 Categories: , Blog

If you have tried to conceive with your partner for a few months and have not been successful, there is a chance you are worried about not being able to conceive naturally. Before you start stressing out too much, know that it takes several months, on average, for couples to conceive a baby. Just because it has not happened yet does not mean it is not going to happen in a natural way.
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Having Allergies And Skin Irritations And Meds Aren’t Working? See A Holistic Professional

5 August 2018
 Categories: , Blog

If you have been dealing with a lot of allergies and skin irritations and you aren't getting relief from prescription medications, it may be time to try other options. Sometimes chemicals aren't the answer, and you need to get help to treat the problems you're dealing with, and to make the necessary changes in your life.  Here are some of the things to consider, and why you need to find the right type of healthcare professional for the job.
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About Me
Enjoying Drug-Free Remedies

When I started battling cancer, I didn't feel comfortable pumping my body full of medications. However, after a thorough talk with my doctor, I decided that it was the best way to go. However, my doctor mentioned that my use of western medicine didn't mean that I couldn't use natural methods to supplement my treatment. I started using ancient practices to soothe my treatment, and it helped a lot. In addition to rounding out my treatment, it also made it possible for me to endure harsh chemotherapy and painful surgeries. I want to teach you more about the power of natural medicine, so read my blog.
